

◎ 證照 (Certificate)

「語言治療與聽力學系」規畫開設「語言治療師學程」及「聽力師學程」。語言治療組畢業生具備 「語言治療師專技高考證照」資格;聽力組畢業生具備 「聽力師專技高考證照」資格,通過後即能執業。本所考照通過率高。

"Department of Speech-language-hearing" plans to offer "Speech Language Therapist Course" and "Audiologist Course". The graduates of the speech language therapy group have the qualification of "Speech Language Therapist Professional and Technical Examination Certificate"; the hearing group graduates have the qualification of "Audiologist Professional and Technical Examination Certificate", and they can work in their profession after passing the exam. Our examination pass rate is high.

◎ 就業率及薪資 (Employment and salary): 

學生畢業即就業。就業職場包括:醫療院所、復健中心、早期療育機構、特殊學校、護理之家、安養中心、助聽器公司、聽語輔具研發機構、自行開業。臺灣聽語系所畢業生平均就業率近90%,本所近五年畢業生就業率平均達 93%。聽語專業人員平均薪資約 4-6 萬元/月 (臺灣聽力語言學會, 民100)。

Students are employed upon graduation. Workplaces include: medical institutions, rehabilitation centers, early care institutions, special schools, nursing homes, nursing centers, hearing aid companies, speech-language-hearing aid research and development institutions, and self-employment. The average employment rate of speech-language-hearing graduates in Taiwan is nearly 90%. The average employment rate of our graduates has reached 93% in the past five years. The average salary of speech-language-hearing professionals is about NT$40,000-60,000/month (Taiwan Speech-Language-Hearing Society, 2011).

◎ 職場:
大學職場 研究所職場
1. 醫療院所 1. 醫療院所
2. 復健中心 2. 復健中心
3. 安養中心 3. 安養中心
4. 長期照護機構 4. 長期照護機構
5. 學校專業團隊 5. 學校專業團隊
6. 特殊學校 6. 特殊學校
7. 早療機構 7. 早療機構
8. 特殊教育機構 8. 特殊教育機構
9. 聽覺輔具中心 9. 聽覺輔具中心
10. 聽語輔具研發機構 10. 聽語輔具研發機構
11. 自行開業 11. 自行開業
12. 「語言治療師」臨床教師、業師
13. 「聽力師」臨床教師、業師
14. 助聽輔具選配師
15. 聽語輔具研發人員
16. 進修博士班

